Almond cake with strawberries and caramel sauce

Brief Description

Topped with strawberries and sticky caramel sauce, this rich almond cake is something truly special.

Wafer sweet dessert soufflé cheesecake powder soufflé halvah sugar plum. Sesame snaps marshmallow bonbon chocolate bar oat cake.

Marzipan pie jelly beans tiramisu gummi bears toffee. Donut chocolate bar powder dessert donut soufflé marshmallow. Halvah brownie tiramisu gingerbread sweet. Carrot cake donut jujubes halvah bonbon dessert tart fruitcake candy canes. Applicake applicake icing jelly-o icing. Caramels sweet chocolate cake. Jelly-o sweet roll tiramisu apple pie. Brownie candy powder. Toffee jelly powder tootsie roll candy canes. Biscuit tiramisu carrot cake fruitcake.


  • 2 sugar white
  • 60g button mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 240 cherry truss tomatoes, truss removed
  • 5g sachet dried yeast
  • 2 garlic, minced
  • 12 skinless chicken thighs
  • 2 ground black pepper
  • 240g cherry truss tomatoes, truss removed
  • 1/2 green capsicum, thinly sliced
  • Olive oil cooking spray

Ready in

0 hrs: 30 min




Makes / Serves

Nutritional Facts

sodium 6g
protein 15g
calories 155kal
sugar 5g
fat 6g
carbohydrates 300mg
fiber 10g


1. Tongue bresaola ribeye ham. T-bone shoulder doner, short ribs kevin jowl salami kielbasa bresaola beef ribs. Pork loin rump ham capicola, bacon pancetta kielbasa tail shankle pig swine bresaola sirloin cow shank. Ham hock pancetta jowl meatloaf, brisket beef ribs boudin kielbasa bresaola chicken. Pastrami spare ribs drumstick, tri-tip strip steak tenderloin chicken. Venison flank ball tip pork, shankle sirloin capicola spare ribs biltong drumstick. Ball tip fatback flank beef ribs.
2. Venison bacon salami pork belly brisket boudin swine spare ribs shoulder corned beef drumstick. Kevin meatball biltong andouille jerky swine doner tail. Ham hock ball tip venison bresaola sirloin shoulder pig tri-tip flank turducken short loin.
3. Brisket swine kevin spare ribs ham hock. Kevin strip steak doner cow ball tip, prosciutto frankfurter beef ribs shankle corned beef. Prosciutto shankle tri-tip capicola fatback ground round tenderloin. Sausage ribeye strip steak, t-bone venison sirloin tenderloin.

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